An international exploration drilling company, Geodrill Ltd, has won the 2023 Australia-Africa Minerals and Energy Group (AAMEG) Award for Established ESG Leader for a Resources Services company. The award was due to their commitment and funding to the Lvolution Academy of Cote d’Ivoire and the running of its activities.
The Ivorian mining community memorialized the prize at an industry event on October 13 in Abidjan.
Geodrill and other sponsors, including Endeavour Mining, X&M Suppliers, Foraco, Koulou Gold Corp, Sotici, Energold, and IDC, have been proud supporters of Lvolution Academy founded to promote education, training, and social integration of underprivileged youth, through the practice of martial arts and combat sports to afford young athletes from Côte d’Ivoire and other African nations the chance to shine at the world, Olympic and Paralympic events.
Geodrill contributed 10,000,000 FCFA ($US17,000) to the international trips of the Academy, and a significant milestone was sending a team from the Academy to Egypt in Feb 2023 to compete in the 2023 Egypt International Open for Taekwondo.
Success for Ivory Coast at the 2023 Egypt International Open for Taekwando
The funding from Geodrill ensured Lvolution Academy athletes and coaches could attend and participate in local and international occasions, including the 2023 one held in Cairo. The outcome was a silver medal for Diallo Ibrahima Joël and a Gold medal for Paralympic athlete Boli Michel, who doubles as a Côte d’Ivoire national Paralympic team member.
Taekwondo coach Master Lawson stated: “The objective is to allow these athletes to dream big, yearn for medals, and set their hearts on glory, like Cheick Cissé, Taekwondo champion, and first Ivorian athlete to obtain an Olympic gold medal.”
He added, “The financial support of Geodrill was the first stepping stone to make this dream come true and to galvanize young people ready to take on challenges and offer our African societies new champions, on and off the mats.”
The annual AAMEG ESG award promotes established companies that leave a significant footprint in Africa through steadfast adherence to ESG principles and proactive contribution to community benefit. Presented at the Africa Down Under conference held in Perth, Australia, the preceding month, the conference brought together visiting ministers and delegations from across Africa.
Dave Harper, CEO of Geodrill Limited, accepted the prestigious award and acknowledged it was a collaboration of services companies in the Ivory Coast that came together to support the academy. “Without the support of Geodrill, the athletes would not have been able to participate in this first competition, which resulted in one gold and one silver medal for Ivory Coast”, Stanislas de Stabenrath, CEO of X&M Suppliers and Board Member of lvolution shared his excitement for the award.
He indicated that “Fair access to all talented athletes to compete was the Academy’s and its sponsors’ goal. The academy’s athletes recently participated in the Senegal International Open, winning seven medals (1 gold, 2 silver, and 4 bronze). Hitherto, the achievements of the Lvolution Academy’s athletes are impressive, with 9 medals won in less than 4 months and a total of 19 medals in 3 years.
The athletes are also “coached” outside the arena to help them choose their career paths and fund their education. Some athletes have already completed internships with companies in the mining sector, and one athlete obtained a diploma and a full-time job as an HR assistant at Se Former Autrement.”
Source: TheBFTOnline, Abidjan en Ligne | French Version